Garderobe Castle


The Castle Garderobe or Toilets in todays speak, with the sewer going directly into the Moat by Geordie 54 173 Goodrich Castle had been a Hill fort since 800BC and the present castle was built before. The garderobe was a small chamber with a platform over a hole in the floor. This is what remains of the garderobe at Ballyloughan castle in Co Carlow: The garderobe would not have been this grim. Mafia 2 pc download highly compressed.


  • 1A toilet in a medieval building.

    ‘For three days Kieran left the bed only to hobble down the hallway to the garderobe, leaning heavily on Michael's arm, shuffling in the remnants of his torn leather shoes.’
    • ‘People used to hang their clothes in a garderobe, a small room over the upper opening of the dross shoot, because the ammonia from urine used to kill lice,’ he said.’
    • ‘Five fragments of shaped animal gut were discovered during the excavation of the garderobe of the keep at Dudley Castle, which had been filled in in 1647.’
    • ‘The tumbledown exterior walls were smothered with moss and ivy, and many of the original features, including fragments from the first-floor medieval loo - known as the garderobe - were strewn around the overgrown garden.’
    • ‘Steps within the wall lead up to the living accommodation, a room with fireplace, garderobe, and sink.’
    • ‘We find the garderobe, lift the seat, and climb into the latrine shaft.’
    lavatory, bathroom, facilities, urinal, privy, latrine, outhouse
    1. 1.1A wardrobe or small storeroom in a medieval building.
      ‘After ushering me to the garderobe, she escorted me to one of several free tables.’
      • ‘He threw open the garderobe on the far wall and began riffling through it.’
      • ‘Even Tallis was unable to keep away, secreting himself inside a garderobe.’

Garderobe Leeds Castle


Late Middle English French, from garder ‘to keep’ + robe ‘robe, dress’; compare with wardrobe. Gruen pocket watch identification 1930s.

Medieval Castle Garderobe

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