Apostle Benson Idahosa


Finaldata crack. 15 Different Powerful Messages of ArchBishop Benson Idahosa (3) AnointedTube Subscribe 7. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Archbishop Benson Idahosa had some guests who needed to travel back urgently from Benin to Lagos to catch up their flight to the US. Unfortunately by the time the Archbishop took his guests to the airport they were told that the last flight for the day was overbooked and not a single seat was available. Realtek high definition hd audio driver for windows 10 hp.

Image courtesy of Bishop Benson Idahosa ©

I will deliver thee out of the hands of the wicked – Jeremiah 15:19. When the Giant is too big for you… let the God handle the situation. Bishop Benson IdahosaHow To Handle Your Giant is about staying clear when the problem is too big for you. Leave it to God.

Jeremiah 15:17-21Apostle Benson Idahosa

17 I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand: for thou hast filled me with indignation.

18 Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed? wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail?

19 Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

20 And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD.

21 And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible. Doulci activator v9 crack.

Crown Copyright UK. KJVBishop Benson Idahosa Playlist →But worthy of note also is the man Benson Idahosawhom God began to raise in the late 60s into 80sa young man Member of Assemblies of God churchThere was a revival that came into the country through the assemblies of Godand blew around eastern Nigeria in the 50s and 60sNow he was a Benin Man and there was an Assembly of God churchHe got born again and was a member of that churchApostle Benson Idahosaworking with 'BATA' company in Benin city and God's hands began to show on him in aremarkable way because he was such a man of prayerHe was an unconventional man He wasn't a very religious kind of personHe was a man that loved to increase and prosper so one day he got a motorbikeHis pastor excommunicated him for being worldyevery church member was to ride a bicycle The same pastor that excommunicated him froman Assemblies of God church The wife was pregnant, about to deliverand there was nobody to take her to the hospital so he came to borrow the motor-bikeHOW DOES GOD VINDICATE THE RIGHTEOUS that's how he got reconciledthen one day the pastor was preaching a message and preachingall things are possible to him that believe

Benson Idahosa Death

with God all things are possible all the faith scripturesscreaming and screaming and at the end the young man walked up tohis pastor and said,this thing that you are saying if it is true, that meansit is even possible to raise the dead The pastor saidyes I have never done itbut if the bible said it then It is trueHe said okay I am going to look for oneand from when church ended in the afternoon that daytill about 4 4:30 am he rode his motor bikeall over Benin city from street to streetlooking for a dead person from street to street somewhere around 4:30he saw a crowd of people and they saidBenson idahosa childrenone girl has just died He said 'Praise God'He asked to pray for her They didn't want to agree at firstafter some time, they allowed him to enter the roomHe prayed and this girl came back to life that was the beginning of one of the mightiestministries this nation has ever seen He started a fellowship that grew to about500 after some years and God sent him to meet withmissionary in Ilesha, Pa Elton and It was Elton that agreed for him to betrained Elton told him, the grace of God is upon yourlife young man but you need training sothat you can have the word that lasts Elton arranged for him to go to Gordon Linsay'sBible School in the United States Of AmericaHe traveled to Christ for the Nations at it's very inceptionFirst generation of students but he never graduated the bible schoolBenson idahosa agebecause he just kept fasting and prayingbecause he had such passion His passion was for AfricaThe bible school was to last for two years After one year he came to Gordon Lindseywhy should I sitting in a classroom when African's are dyingRelease me, let me go So he had a private consecration service forhim and he was the only studentthat actually saw Gordon Lindsey release them because before theothers graduated Gordon Lindsey had diedHe came back to Benin City with multiplied anointingIt is reported that those who came to welcome him at the airport couldn't touch himeveryone that stepped with 20 yards of him collapsed and it was wild fire from that timeon His way of spreading ministry and doing crusadesat that time was very raw and to the point He is another very forceful personalityBensonYou know God uses all types of people Arch Bishop Benson Idahosawas an unconventional man In those days with themiracle working power of God He will go into little villages and townsall the present south south of Nigeria sometimes without any publicityhe would go into the market square and look for the blind or a crippleHe would put two drums and a plank Hold you like he is trying to give you somethingand drag you to where the plank and the two drums arethat is his platform and will heal you instantly open your blind eyes orget the crippled walking a crowd would gather, he would climb the drumand preach the gospelpeople will give their life to Christ A church will start

Apostle Benson Idahosa Ministry

but he was a man that believed in prosperity andGod increased him lavishly he was first in many things in NigeriaHe was the first Assemblies of God young man to ride amotor bike in Benin city and got excommunicated for ithe was the first Nigerian minister to use a Mercedes Benz carfor which he was criticized and called a thief and called many nameshe took, the fire now a pastor can get an airplaneand everybody is happy in those days you were called devilfor attempting to prosper He made it popular to preach inBabariga In his days every evangelist in Nigeria wantedto wear babariga to preachand some people didn't like thatbut that was just Benson Idahosa He was the first Nigerian ministerto preach on radio the first to preach on televisionThe first to own mass crusade equipment and move from city to city in Africaand even abroad doing meetings During his lifetime, he ministeredin over a 130 countries Many of those meetings were not InvitationalHe went into nations with his own money and arrested nationswith the power of God When it comes to signs and wondersPentecostal Signs and Wonders particularly the gift of the workingof miracles but the gift of the working of miraclescan produce healing results It can also make signs to multiplyOne of the last miracles that happened in Benin city beforehe died, they came to the building site of Benson Idahosa UniversityHe had traveled for several weeks and when he came back they saidmaterials had finished he commanded the materials to multiplyand they did Archbishop's story sometimeswill make you wonder whether somebody is not exaggeratingA boy fell from a three story building and broke his skullon the concrete floor His skull was crackedhis brain was pouring out andthey called for him he gathered theskull and began to pray in toungesand his skull joined back together, The boy didn'tneed the hospitals I remember one famous storythat happened the world council of witcheshad their headquarters in Benin Cityat that time, and there was a veryvocal witch, who was always boasting he was a witchhe was the head of all witches and then he announced thatthey were going to have their conference in Benin Cityby then, Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa was already on Television so he went on hisown T.V Programme and said youhave heard that witches are coming to do theirmeeting in Benin City He said they will not comeI cancel that meeting so this other manthey went to him to interview him they said this is whatBenson Idahosa said what do you have to saythe man laughed and said even if Jesus Christ comes downHe cannot stop us, so Benson Idahosa wentback on air and said Jesus does not need tocome down stop this meeting 'That is why I am here'They now put them on set together NTA Benin cityinvited the two of them panel discussionhe said the meeting will hold He said the meeting will not holdthat is why I am here and I saw Benson Idahosa turnand said to be honest with youthere are no witches in Benin citythe ones that are witches have already run awayeven this man is not a witch and he looked at theman and said the bible said thou shall notsuffer a Witch to live If you are a witch confessit right now and I will kill you, right hereThe man said he is not a witch That was the caliber of manBenson Idahosa was I remember he hada guest one time many years agoin the 80s and the aircraft was about to take offfrom Benin city he ran to the tarmacbecause his guest had no ticket andwaved the aircraft to stop they had to open the doorhe came, I have two guests three guestsI want some of you passengers to get downand some people offered their seatthat was the kind of person he was He was a very unusual manhe brought, glory,honor and attention to that cityPeople used to travel from all over the world to Benin CityBenin was the headquarters of the gospel in Africain the days of Benson Idahosa Lagos was largerbut more people came to Benin because of a man's gracewhy must you walk in low voltage when you can have high voltagePay the price Loose the fun you need to loose nowConsecrate Sell outGod will use you I want you to say Amen